Sunday, May 24, 2020

Nature Vs Nurture Culture And Personality - 1033 Words

Tanasia Pearson SSC 101 November, 2014 Nature vs Nurture. Culture and Personality. The concept of nature versus nurture, culture and personality are major concepts in the social sciences. Nature is things that are products of â€Å"biological inheritance† (Santrock 122) and beyond anyones control. Nurture is the treatment given which in turn encourages a specific behavior. Culture is the things that are installed in you by your family and those surrounding you. Personality is all about your decisions and how you react to things based on what you learned. These concepts are incredibly significant because, the amount of nature and nurture you receive impacts the life of human beings drastically. According to, â€Å"nature focuses on genetic, hormonal, and neurochemical explanations of behaviors†. I also grasped the understanding that all behaviors are learned through the the environment and conditioning, calling this nurture. Without any nurture, in my opinion you’ll just be cold-hearted and without any understanding of others. Culture and personality are key concepts as well. Unlike personality, â€Å"culture is created by the individuals within the culture† (Colander 138). â€Å"Personality is the total organization of the inherited and acquired characteristics of an individual as evidence by the individual’s behavior† (Colander 138). In other word, the culture is already created and the person must now obey and learn the rules and practices. With a person’sShow MoreRelatedThe Concepts Of Nature Vs Nurture1273 Words   |  6 Pages The concepts of Nature vs Nurture, are major concepts in social science. Nature is the hereditary pattern of physical features in a human being s development. 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