Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Playing God In Frankenstein - 1159 Words
Scientist and Doctors over the decades have always pushed the limits and defying the odds in science and the medical field whether it is finding the cure for cancer,using robotic or prosthetic limbs for individuals with missing arms and legs etc. Usually we end up with information and cures that could help us in the future and gives us more insight on the scientific field, there are a few cases where science and medical experiments have gone majorly wrong, but let’s say hypothetically if something were to go wrong, where would we draw the line of too far when coming to experiments? Playing God has been much debated, but what do we really mean by the phrase playing god? According to CollinsDictionary.com the term ‘playing god’ refers†¦show more content†¦We also see that Victor Frankenstein has always been alone and this leads him to his madness as understood in chapter 3: â€Å"...I, who had ever been surrounded by amiable companions, continually eng aged in endeavoring to bestow mutual pleasure-I was now alone. In the university whither I was going I must form my own friends and be my own protector. (46), Victor understands that he has no one is by his side and that he truly is on his own. This quote sets up his obsession with alchemy; eventually leading to him molding,building and creating a twisted version of human-kind to creating the monster. The audience can assume that Victor runs to his knowledge and education as his form of a friend. Victor works tirelessly to not only build, but perfect his creature to his liking for two long years. Believing that he has the solution to betterment of humankind, he loses sleep and cuts off all contact with family we see the effects of his madness while building his creation has not only affected him emotionally, but also physically as clearly stated: â€Å"Every night I was oppressed by a slow fever,Show MoreRelatedConsequences For Playing God By Victor Frankenstein1438 Words  | 6 PagesCody Flowers Miss. Sibbach English IV 11 December, 2015 Consequences for Playing God Victor Frankenstein in the book Frankenstein faces many terrible situations and has to face many consequences for trying to play God’s role in creating life. Victor seen and dealt with many situations as a young boy that will lead to his madness and obsession with science. Victor has always been intrigued with science and life ever since he was a boy. 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