Sunday, November 3, 2019

Homosexual and Heterosexual Marriages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homosexual and Heterosexual Marriages - Essay Example Tripp (1981) declares that homo and heterosexual marriages are comparable because both are set up on a vow to understand each other, to provide with strong support and love and also to fulfill sexual needs and desires of each other. Tripp explains an optimal space between partners and explains that to promote sexual attraction there's a need to have some differences and some intimacy, a massive amount of either of these is awful for a healthy relationship. Male and female genetic and emotional dissimilarity set up a distance for attraction, where men and women are made complementary from beginning. "Each sex becomes systematically incompetent regarding tasks and abilities ascribed to the opposite sex" (Tripp, 1981, p. 68). McWhirter and Mattison (1984) declare that in homosexual marriages, one of the partners demonstrate inability in some of the tasks which the other partner enjoys to carry out. Studies reveal that traditional marriages bring much happiness and more likely to bring less misery for the partners. Traditional marriages provide an extra 8 years of life to the partners. They live a healthy and secure life from long-term sicknesses.

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